Sunday, March 6, 2011

First Week at Basic

So I know it's been a while since I have written on the blog. Sorry guys but life has been busy. As of today I have received 2 letters from Mrs. E. During her first week in basic training there was alot going on. On Monday she had her first PT test, of course she passed. Thank God! Tuesday she had to climb the victory tower. For those of you that don't know the victory tower is like a 90 foot tower that she had to climb up and then repel off the other side. She said this was scary for her especially when she was at the top of the tower getting ready to come down. She thought that was difficult until Wednesday came around. On Wednesday she had to do the gas chamber. Which she stated she never wants to do again. She had to stay in the gas chamber for 5 whole minutes and state her full name, rank, social security number, and say the Soldier's Creed. Unfortunately, Mrs. E only got one line of the Creed out and then she started throwing up. Everybody was throwing up and passing out! It was so bad that her nose started bleeding and it got all over her uniform. I know she is glad she got that part over because it was what we talked about the most before she left. Glad she made it through throw up and all. Lol

Thursday they did team building activities and a course called Fit to Win. The course was 2 miles long with all kids of different stuff like a a net to climb up, a mud pit to crawl through, walls to jump over, etc. Friday she had to participate in a Land Navigation course. They dropped them off deep in the woods when it was pitch dark outside. They had to use a map and a compass to find their way back. For those of you that really know Mrs. E you know she is deathly afraid of snakes. So all she could think about during the activity was being careful not to step on a snake. So that concludes her first week in basic training. As you can tell once someone goes through something like this they probably don't want to do it again. Mrs. E is no exception she said that it is really hard and she is sore. She has bruises all over and skin missing off her feet from her boots and all the marches they have to do. The Drill Sgts. are a whole 'nother (yes that's ebonics!) story! Let's just say they aren't pleasant. Lol. I'm counting down until her graduation so we can see her again. Just know that her second letter sounded way more positive so don't get discourage if you plan on joining the Army :). I will try not to take so long posting again but until next time peace!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear she is doing well. You are doing a great job with your posts Mr. E.

Jess said...

Crap posted under my other gmail. ha But keep up the good work.