Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Okay guys just a quick introduction and an update on Mrs. E. Like she stated in an earlier post I am her best friend, T., and I (along with Mr. E) will be keeping you guys up to date. This is my first blog post so lets see how it goes! Yesterday was a very looooong day. And I do mean long. We all rode up to MEPS (Me, Mrs. E, Mr. E, and Mrs. E's mom) really early in the morning. We woke up at 3am just to make it on time. It was 5:30am when we finally arrived. Mrs. E had to get out of the car and get in line with the other soldiers almost immediately. However, because the office did not open for family members and friends until 8am we had to stay in the car. So we stayed in the car. In the cold... until 7:50am when Mr. E decided it was close enough to opening time and we went inside. When we went in we sat in the family lounge which was comfortable enough besides the tv being very tiny and inaudible. It wasn't that many other family members there when we arrived in fact it was only one other family. While all the recruits were waiting in the big room for their name to be called they watched tv and walked back in forth between their waiting room and the family lounge. We could see them from the family lounge through a big glass window. While we waited I bombarded Mr. E with questions since he is a recruiter and I just wanted to know what my best friend had gotten herself into. He informed me that all the recruits would be called into their respective offices (Army, Marine, Navy, and Air Force) and they would be weighed and asked if any of their information had changed. By 9am more family members showed up to join us in the lounge but they still hadn't called Mrs. E back in the room. They finally called her later around 9:45am and it took them a while to get her information updated because she had to change her name from the old one to Mrs. E. After that we waited some more (hurry up and wait military moto) until finally they said Mrs. E was about to take her oath. Then she decided to wait and take her oath with the next group because her father hadn't arrived yet. Once he got there she went right in to take the oath. It was really cute! Her first "real" solider moment. I'm so glad I got to be a part of the ceremony. Of course all of us are very proud of her decision but we were all sad because she had to leave. And so soon after getting married!!! After taking her oath she had to go and get debriefed (I have a feeling she will be doing this a lot). Finally around 2:17pm Mrs. E and a group of 51 others got on their charter bus to head to basic training. While we, family and friends of all the recruits waved and cried. It might be a while for the next update I have to wait for Mrs. E to write me or Mr. E before writing more. She has contacted both her mom and her husband so we know she is safe :). Until next time T. signing off.


Gris said...

Glad to hear shes safe. Best of luck to her ;)